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2020-07-18    /    实用日语  /  作者:admin  / 阅读:627


  • 何高老师回复:

    新西兰女歌手海莉演 唱的《amazing grace》(中文译名《奇异恩典 》 )白色巨塔 《Amazing grace 奇异恩典》 - 歌词amazing grace, how sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like me.i once was lost but now i"m found,was blind but now i see.t"was grace that taught my heart to fear.and grace my fear relievedhow precious did that grace appear,the hour i first believed.through many dangers, toils and snareswe have already comet"was grace that brought us safe thus farand grace will lead us home.when we"ve been there ten thousand yearsbright shining as the sun;we"ve no less days to sing god"s praisethan when we first begun.奇异恩典何等甘甜我罪已得赦免前我失散今被寻回瞎眼今得看见如此恩典使我敬畏使我心得安慰初信之时即蒙恩会真是何等宝贵当我感到痛苦悲伤时你却不走留在我的身边当我正要掉进深渊你却把我救出你带我给新的生命无论如何只要我肯相信奇迹一定会在我的眼前出现


    Amazing Grace -奇异 恩典日剧《白色巨塔》之片尾曲Amazing Grace -奇异恩典这是两百年前的 圣歌,於重新翻唱后依然荣登 排行榜之首,也是不论是否信主,也是所有基督教圣歌中,被最多人翻唱最多版本的。其英文歌词意境悠远,今献上很不错的中译与原文。Amazing grace Judy Collinsamazing grace, how sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like me.i once was lost but now i"m found,was blind but now i see.t"was grace that taught my heart to fearand grace my fear relievedhow precious did that grace appear,the hour i first believed.through many dangers, toils and snareswe have already comet"was grace that brought us safe thus farand grace will lead us home.when we"ve been there ten thousand yearsbright shining as the sun;we"ve no less days to sing god"s praisethan when we first begun.奇异恩典 茱蒂柯琳丝奇异恩典,乐声何等甜美拯救了像我这般无助的人我


    《amazing grace》(中文译名《奇异恩典》)

  • 杨海弢回复:

    《Amazing Grace》中文翻 译为《奇异恩典 》,也有人称《天赐恩宠》,是美国最脍炙人口 的一首乡村 福音歌曲,也是全世界基督徒都会唱的一首歌,被奉为基督教圣歌。英语原文:   Amazing grace! How sweet the sound!That saved a wretch like me!I once was lost but now I am found,Was blind but now I see.Was grace that taught my heart to fearAnd grace my fears relieved;How precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believed!Through many dangers, toils, and snares,I have already come;This grace has brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home.The Lord has promised good to me,His word my hope secures;He will my shield and portion be,As long as life endures.Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,And mortal life shall cease;I shall possess, within the vail,A life of joy and peace.The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,The sun forbear to shine;But God, who called me here below,Will be forever mine.

    是这个吗 Amazing Grace



  • 新西兰 女歌手海莉演唱的《amazing grace》(中文译名《奇异恩典》)这是两百年前 的圣歌,於重新翻唱 后依然荣登排行榜之首,也是不论是否信主,也是所有基督教圣歌中,被最多人翻唱最多版本的。白色巨塔 《Amazing grace 奇异恩典》 - 歌词amazing grace, how sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like me.i once was lost but now i"m found,was blind but now i see.t"was grace that taught my heart to fear.and grace my fear relievedhow precious did that grace appear,the hour i first believed.through many dangers, toils and snareswe have already comet"was grace that brought us safe thus farand grace will lead us home.when we"ve been there ten thousand yearsbright shining as the sun;we"ve no less days to sing god"s praisethan when we first begun.奇异恩典何等甘甜我罪已得赦免前我失散今被寻回瞎眼今得看见如此恩典使我敬畏使我心得安慰初信之时即蒙恩会真是何等宝贵当我感到痛苦悲伤时你却不走留在我的身边当我正要掉进深渊你却把我救出你带我给新的生命无论如何只要我肯相信奇迹一定会在我的眼前出现


    楼主的音 乐感觉很不错,这确实是一首圣咏,在欧美 世界被广泛传唱,简单 的歌词诗句充满 了感恩意味,歌曲就不介绍了,说说来历。

    奇异恩典 Amazing Grace


    作者约翰牛顿(John Newton 1725-1807)生于英国伦敦。父亲是西班牙人, 从事航业;母亲是英 国 人, 是一位虔诚的基督徒,渴望儿子能受良好教育,并为牧师,她时常为此心愿祈祷。 约翰自幼随母 熟诵经文及圣诗。不幸在他七岁时,母亲病逝,而她的祷告在三十年后才蒙应允。

    母亲去世后,约翰上了两年学,因寄宿生活严谨而辍。十一岁时随父亲上船过著航海的生活,继而被徵 兵,逃役又被捕回。退伍后,在贩卖奴隶船上工作,经常在非洲一带贩卖黑奴。他足迹遍四海,道德日益堕落,不久染上了水手们放荡的生活习惯,吃喝嫖赌,奸诈欺骗,无所不为。日后因闹事,反在非洲作奴隶之仆,过了几年非人的生活,幸而他在英伦的父亲听到这消息后,就差人前往营救。1748年春,从非洲返英的途中,遇到强烈风暴,船险沉没,他在怒涛中,向神呼求:「神啊!求你救我安抵港口,我将永作你的奴仆。」船长是一位虔诚的基督徒,使他对基督徒的生活产生爱慕之心。在漫长的航程中,他读到肯培斯 (Thomas Kempis)的「遵主圣范」(The Imitation of Christ),心受感动,矢志悔改。

    1754年,他与妻子定居利物浦,作观潮员为生,并随卫斯理兄弟研读拉丁文及希伯来文圣经,偶而也证道。 1764年他由圣公会按立为牧师。 他在余生中竭力反对蓄奴。 这首「奇异恩典」是他重生的经验。 他一直为神工作,到八十二岁才退休,当时他说“我记忆力衰退,但我记得二件事,即我是大罪人,基督是大救主。”在他离世前,他为自己写下了墓志铭:


    牛顿与顾柏(WilliamCowper)合编了一本圣诗集,其中他写了二百八十首。他诗歌的特色是简单、清楚、诚恳。 其他我们所熟悉的圣诗如 「郇城歌」(Glorious Things of Thee AreSpoken),「甜美圣名」(How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds),都是他的作品。


  • 《白色巨塔》之片尾曲AmazingGrace
      Amazing Grace -奇异恩典


      Amazing grace Judy Collins

      amazing grace, how sweet the sound
      that saved a wretch like me.
      i once was lost but now i"m found,
      was blind but now i see.
      t"was grace that taught my heart to fear
      and grace my fear relieved
      how precious did that grace appear,
      the hour i first believed.
      through many dangers, toils and snares
      we have already com

  • 《Amazing Grace》原文

    Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me
    I once was lost but now I"m found
    Was blind but now I see

    T"was grace that taught my heart to fear
    And grace my fear relieved
    How precious did that grace appear
    The hour I first believed

    Through many dangers, toils and snares
    We have already come
    T"was grace that brought us safe thus far
    And grace will lead us home

    When we"ve been there ten thousand years
    Bright shining as the sun
    We"ve no less days to

  • 《amazing grace -奇异恩典》

    Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me.
    I once was lost but now I"m found,
    Was blind but now I see.

    T"was grace that taught my heart to fear
    And grace my fear relieved
    How precious did that grace appear,
    The hour I first believed.

    Through many dangers, toils and snares
    We have already come
    T"was grace that brought us safe thus far
    And grace will lead us home.

    When we"ve been there ten thousand years
    Bright shining as the sun;
    We"ve no less days to sing God"s praise
    Than when we first begun.


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